who am i... im an anime junky (yay shonen), martial artist (more on that), mangaka (look it up), furry (more or less), and gamer (ive got all three big ones ENVY ME!!!), loner (asfhurgers, look that up too while your at it). and deep thinker (not to much at a time). im really just typing so the ads go away. im just going to say whats currently going on in most of these areas.
i love manga and anime. and i recently just found out that the japanese versions with subtitles of my favorite shows are much better. they show blood and have cursing on which is awsome. although they use the S and F words unlike the manga but i still read the mangas cuz you dont have to push a pause button to see someone get kicked in the face. i miss bleach on saturdays they replaced it with death note wich is awsome but they jumped off right before ichigo was goin to throw down with byakyuga. crap. the one piece funimation dub is going smoothly although they have yet to show a big fight so i havent seen how much blood use theyll let in. luffy vs enel is going to be tight!!! in naruto, drunk lee is funny and kickass. i like kimmimaro and his bone ability. i didnt know whether it was cool or horrifying to watch him go rotissery style on lee, oh well. now its sand vs bone. sucks though that i know the outcome. i wish i could afford more manga.
i "study" four styles. caporeia, drunken kung-fu, pro wrestiling, and juijutsu(one more year and im a black belt). i look at caporeia angola, which is fun doing although im still trying to get my ginga to seem more rythmic like tekken. drunk is fun to watch and try to but id like to take lessons that dont involve mimicry from brad wong. to do pro w better i think i need to work out once in a awhile. i cant rely entirely on natural strength which shouldnt exist considering my eating habits. juijutsu is the only one im in a dojo for. my dads idea. i wasnt to fond of at first but it grew on me... dam. next its boxing, bleh. i dont look or act like it but im actually better than a few people in their.
my art uses anthros (hence furry) but i dont center on romance and that other stuff like most fur comics. i do shonen since im a violent twerp. my dream in life is to have a manga published in SJ. not going to be easy. usully my drawings seem to come out crap compared to whats in my head but last night i drew some winners and the first pic of a character i really wanted to draw. i didnt always use anthros except for some characters (fencing fox, muay thai werewolf) but when i made it anthromorphic the setting was a lot easier to put together. sometimes i regret that when i watch my anime but all i do is remember how much fun it is. i have yet to tell my fans (my bros, who each have characters in it) that their anthro. this would be kind of like coming out of the closet. if i do its going to hurt. my 14 bro is really the one im worried about. he finds an anthro setting stupid and childish, like several things i like. hes also a bat, not a cat so hes really going to be pissed. but hes actually just acting over mature. my other bros' character was already going to have animal qualties but not going to one completely. oh well cross that bridge when it comes.
im a furr. yep. discovered it completely on accident. first time i heard that term was on x-play. okami review. i went searching for the game online and clicked a link that dumped me on the furry thread here in newgrounds. you might have been there before. i read their stuff for awhile. and i do wish i had a tail. also found out that im not the only one who finds anthros attractive. also tried there... links. i will ever look at micky mouse and bugs bunny the same way again. traumatized. after that i read better days, good comic. then i joined the club and i post there every know and then. i thought i was bi for awhile but i was just curious. im preety much straight. i might buy some dog ears and a tail one day. im a mut just in case any furries want to know. im a fox, wolf, coyote, and a spanish dog i cant think of. this is from me being part french(distant relative but whatever), american(white), spanish, and native american(i think, oh well). my profile pic might have my fursona, but most likely not.
ive played video games since i was 4. held the controller first time when i was 2. my first ever game was super mario world. favorite is yoshis island. both are awsome on the GBA. my recent new games are rock band(awsome), assasins creed (tight), COD4 (what do you think?), and bleach ds (pm for friend code if u want). I WANT SSBB DAMMIT. just one month left. galaxy is keeping me entertained though. im the best gamer in the family that has many gamers. most of them suck and some only play sports and movie games though. i suck at sport and FPS. okay with everything else. best at platform, rpg, action, and fighting. i also play WoW but thats all i use my computer to play. i wish i (my mom) had more money for games.
and thats it cuz im tired of typing. this will get rid of those ads. last time i vent my mind this long. ill just stick to smaller posts. and make a live journal. whatever this MY profile i can type as much as i want. please excuse any spelling errors.
heres an early pic i did. im the bottom one. ive drawn better so far. ive also found a better scanner setting. these are also the charecters i use in my manga.